
I’m a journalist, copywriter and translator (Spanish & Norwegian) based in Greenwich, London. I’ve been privileged to work with a range of clients, from magazine editors, B2B publications, copywriting agencies, as well as business owners looking to spruce up their websites.  This portfolio is updated semi-sporadically, so for most recent articles or to work with me, feel free to get in touch here, on LinkedIn or on Twitter and let’s have a chat!

Scan Magazine

Monthly articles

Económica Centro de Investigación Cuantitativa

Translation and copyediting

Nova Aesthetic Clinic

Website copy

The Local Norway

Norwegian in London: ‘Brexit is dreadful for the Uk’s unity’


To Brexit or not to Brexit


Graydon blogger

The Telegraph

200 penguins for a party in central London? No problem pdficon_small

Golden Globes 2013: so what are the Golden Globes? pdficon_small

The Independent

Athletes’ fury at Team GB ‘farce’ sparks selection overhaul for 2016 Olympics pdficon_small

Stratton Craig

Website copy

Investor Publishing

Year in review 2015

Year in review part 2: Politics and the NHS

Year in review part 3: Sector opinions

The metamorphosis

Rise of the selfies

You’re hired

Sweet charity?


Biting point

A very public affair

The lady’s not for turning

Video gaga

Further bad news

Pastures new

Wind of change

A game of risk

Falling short

Leading the charge


A tottering policy

The apprenticeship challenge

Online schooling

City slickers

Grand designs

Skills to pay the bills

Back to black pdficon_small

Remodelled pdficon_small

Judgement day pdficon_small

Market forces pdficon_small

The age of Discovery pdficon_small

Access denied pdficon_small

Child’s play pdficon_small

How to sell your education business pdficon_small

Come fly with me pdficon_small

Homework time pdficon_small

Comeback king pdficon_small

Election swingers pdficon_small

The man with the plan pdficon_small

Squids in pdficon_small

Going solo pdficon_small

Party pieces pdficon_small

MENA streak pdficon_small

Mad Men pdficon_small

Conference call pdficon_small

Upping the ante pdficon_small

Phoenix from the ashes pdficon_small

Agents of change pdficon_small

Crisis for a flagship policy? pdficon_small

Tutors on tap pdficon_small

Reshuffle redux pdficon_small

Teaching the teacher pdficon_small

Overhauling the overhauls pdficon_small

In the cross-hairs pdficon_small

Caught in the Act pdficon_small

The personal touch pdficon_small

Patience is a virtue pdficon_small

Bad teacher pdficon_small

Care homes’ shame pdficon_small

Time for a commercial break pdficon_small

Foot on the accelerator pdficon_small


The problem of trendy sustainability pdficon_small

Will 2014 be Greece’s year? pdficon_small

Green hair care: the less is more formula pdficon_small

Reaping the benefits of planting a herb garden pdficon_small

The benefits of natural skincare pdficon_small

Global warming and our weather pdficon_small

Calls to save the honeybee pdficon_small

Hunting until there’s nothing left? pdficon_small

Selfbuilder & Homemaker

When life gives you lemons… pdficon_small

The Saint

The romance is over: St Andreans no longer attract top employers pdficon_small

Ask not what St Andrews can do for you… pdficon_small

St Andreans call on EU parliament to tighten up ‘conflict minerals’ policy pdficon_small

University accused of misinformation with salmon statement pdficon_small

Coalition for a conflict-free St Andrews relaunches pdficon_small

5% increase in RUK students pdficon_small

Notorious gangster who loved to play golf pdficon_small

Once in a lifetime chance for one lucky golfer pdficon_small

To boldly go where no camera has gone before pdficon_small

Coalition for a Conflict-Free St Andrews gets the go ahead pdficon_small

Women’s blushes can’t be spared pdficon_small

Full steam ahead for new St Andrews railway station? pdficon_small

Coalition brings the Congo back onto the radar pdficon_small

Centre for Syrian Studies receives increased funding at critical point in Syrian history pdficon_small

Kate Kennedy Procession rides again pdficon_small

University of St Andrews shop re-opens pdficon_small

60 Hour Film Blitz Festival creatively celebrates University of St Andrews’ 600th birthday pdficon_small

World-class economist discusses the affordability of Scottish independence pdficon_small

Arab Spring debated and analysed at SAFAS weekend conference pdficon_small

Menzies Campbell lectures on Arab Spring pdficon_small

University awarded €1.25 million in research funding pdficon_small

The Interpreter

Amsterdam: The Dutch capital pdficon_small

Desafiante a la testarudez pdficon_small

Western aid: why it’s so problematic pdficon_small

El asesinato pdficon_small

Being sidelined? pdficon_small

Los Intocables pdficon_small

Sightseeing Norway’s capital: a guide to Oslo pdficon_small

Bergen – la ciudad cultural de Noruega pdficon_small

The Hague – Things to do and places to see in the international city by the sea pdficon_small

La basura también se televisa pdficon_small